Product Review

Our products are reviewed by people in the natural healthcare industry and healthcare professionals, including dermatologists, allergists, and pediatricians. More importantly, we ask you to review our products. Currently, we are seeking product reviewers for the following:

If you would like to review products which have not been introduced to the public, please complete this form.
Creating the most soothing skin to be in...
“My co-workers thank you. My boss thanks you. I was stressed out and my skin exploded. Your soap helped clear my stressed-out skin and got rid of the scabs on my arms. No more picking at work.”
Cecy –bookkeeper, A Type personality and goldfish lover
Redding, Ca

“I love your soap on every inch of my body. I will buy a case of this soap, any price. It’s fantastic.” (he really said that)
Dominic – natural born skeptic, fortysomething with wife, two kids
Lincoln, CA

(916) 652-7052
8 am - 5 pm PST
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Bella Soap Company © 2009
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